Wednesday, July 04, 2007

good intentions...

I've been meaning to post about my Canada Day long weekend. I have the post all thought out, I just need to get the pictures done.

That may have to wait a bit. I got invited to join Ravelry!!* (EEEE) I had put my name on the waiting list quite a while ago and they are adding people as they are able to. I anticipate losing whole weeks to surfing over there (my screen name or whatever you want to call it is subloke, same as on craftster). I will get something going here soon, promise.

In the mean time, still no update on my mom's biopsy results. Hopefully soon.

*if you are still waiting for an invite, I'm sorry if this is rubbing it in.


  1. Beware, Ravelry is terribly addictive! I love your blog and I'd like to add you as a friend if you don't mind. I'm Caroline on there.

  2. Oh my, Lori!! I've missed so much of the great things you've been up to. Your sewing is amazing. I love the tops and the skirt you made for your friend's daughter.

    I'm commenting on this post because I'm also on Ravelry and I need your name so I can find you. I'm Kimberlolly. I'm sorry I haven't been around much, it's been hectic. I have so much reading to catch up on.
    My prayers are with your mom!!!


Hi! I'm so glad you stopped by. I'd love to hear from you.