Hey! It's September!!!???!!!
Um, yeah. It's September. I've been meaning to post for a week now... not sure where that time went...
First, the wordy update:
Mom's first chemo went relatively well. The chemo nurse was so kind and thoughtful, and answered all of our questions. Mom didn't have a reaction to the chemo drugs at the time of infusion, which had been a concern, so that was good. Her first few days after treatment were relatively side-effect free, which was a blessing, as the day of the treatment had been so very tiring. Mom ended up needing an ultrasound for some swelling but they weren't able to fit us in at the hospital where she receives treatment so we had to go to another hospital in the city for that. In all, it was better than expected, but still a very long and tiring day.
She's been having more side-effects lately, but has started to notice a slight easing in the difficulties with breathing. While I was home we got her set up with Home Care so that she will receive regular visits from a nurse and Meals on Wheels a couple of times a week. It's hard to hear that she is going through these side effects, but I'm glad to know that she is being looked after.
Mom loved the cushion cover, which I knew she would. We put some Kleenex in one pocket, and a pack of Halls (throat drops) in the other. Then we both kind of looked at each other and laughed. My dad
always had Kleenex in one pocket and Halls in the other!
While I was at Mom's I had 4 responses about jobs, two through direct applications and 2 through employment agencies. Initially I had planned to "play it by ear" regarding how long I would stay at Mom's, but with all the calls I decided to return to Calgary on Wednesday, August 29. Thursday I had 2 interviews, and, surprisingly, 2 job offers! I have such a hard time with decision making, especially when the choices are very equal, or when the choice has long term or serious consequences attached. (well, to be honest, I have a hard time making choices about anything, consequences or not... you do NOT want to go shopping with me if I need to buy something specific).
Friday morning I heard from both employment agencies several times, wanting to know what they could do to assist in my decision making process. In the end, I chose to go with the job that will make the best use of my experience, has the most potential for future employment/advancement, and, to be frank, they offered me more money in the end (i'm such a capitalist!! haha) I start on September 10, so this week I am on "holiday". I had wanted to go back and spend more time with Mom, but I'm getting a cold and I really don't want to expose Mom unnecessarily. The company is flying me out to Vancouver for training for a couple of weeks. I've never had to travel for work before, so it's kind of interesting. I'm always a bit nervous meeting new people, so this will be a whole lot of newness at once. I haven't been in Vancouver since the early 90s. Anyone have any suggestions for sites to see on weekday evenings?
Now, to the crafting updates (it's a crafting blog afterall) (Hopefully I didn't lose everyone with all the talkiness)
1. Wide scarf/narrow stole for my mom:
Pattern: Border from "Scarf with the striped border" from Victorian Lace Today and the center portion from "Large Rectangle with center diamond pattern" from VLT.
Yarn: Jaeger Trinity (40% Silk, 35% Cotton, 25% Polyamide) in a blush pink
The scarf didn't block out as wide as I had been hoping for, but Mom liked it anyway. She had seen me working on it and I just didn't really say anything about it, so she didn't know it was for her. I wanted to make her something lightweight to give her a little warmth if she got chilly while at treatments. It's just wide enough to wrap around her shoulders or on her lap but narrow enough that she can wear it as a scarf.
2. (not very) Beaded Cami
Pattern: Beaded Cami from Black Dog Designs
Yarn: Patons Grace in Azure
Mods: I knit it in the round and grafted the top and bottom together. It's a bit wonky at the grafting line (oops) but overall I'm glad I did it that way. I also did a wider strap so that I could wear it w/out a tank underneath. I probably won't, but I could if I wanted to...
3. FINALLY: My niece's blanket!!

I used the tutorial for the
Mock Cathedral Windows quilt at Sunshine's Creations.
I seem to have established a habit of making my projects more difficult than is necessary. This blanket is a case in point. Initially it was 7 blocks by 8 blocks (37" x 43") which seemed a bit too small. So, I added another round (34 more blocks) which brings the size to 49" x 54" (approx). Then, Mom said my sister was really hoping to find "a good heavy blanket" for Preslee for the winter. So, I decided to go ahead and back the blanket with fleece. I thought this would help reinforce the seams as well, since my sewing wasn't as straight and even as it should have been.

I picked up a walking foot for my machine and I have to say: I LOVE my walking foot!! YAY walking foot!!
Finally, as a word of caution to any other crafters out there who may be working on quilts and who may be a little, er, carefree with measurements:

I measured my quilt. I made sure (or so I thought) that I would have at least 6" extra binding. Apparently I was wrong.
My solution?

So, if you're still with me, thank you. I need to go figure out what the airline restrictions are regarding knitting needles, and figure out what knitting to bring for my week in Vancouver. Anyone flown WestJet and knit on their flight? Suggestions for tourist attractions, sights to see?