It was alternately sunny and cloudy with a pretty steady strong wind. There was a lot of ice on the lake still, and the shoreline had big chunks of crystal looking ice. The tourists were all so charmed by the sound the ice made on the rocks, which we found kind of funny. I tried to get in a group picture but it was taking them SO LONG to set up that we just kept going.

I never cease to be amazed by the color of the lake.

Or the view.

The Dog was dying to go in the water. He's a black Lab and water is his Favorite. Thing. Ever!!! (if you don't count STICKS!! or ROCKS!! or WHAT'S THAT OVER THERE???!!!)

Eventually the Boy gave in and let the Dog go swim. He swam like he was training for the Olympics, chugging away until he ran into ice. I can't imagine how cold that water must have been. Passersby were amused or shocked or probably slightly horrified.

The Dog would finally get out, shake off, run ahead a bit and dive right back in.

Seriously, the color of the water is astounding. If it weren't for the ice in the top of this picture, wouldn't you think it was in the Caribbean or something?

We went as far as the beach at the end, where the Dog entertained one and all with his swimming and his stick slaughtering.

I really need to be a tourist in my own area more often. It really is amazing.

When we were back at the truck and were getting ready to leave a rental car burned into the lot and parked. A young guy in sunglasses, cap on crooked, saggy butt jeans and a hoodie got out and made a big show of stretching and sighing as though to indicate what an ordeal he'd been through. He was a ways away from us but we were the only people in the parking lot so I told the Boy that I was just waiting for him to decide he needed to tell us something. He had that look.
Sure enough, he started towards us. We tried not to laugh as he came over and asked if we were from around there. We said yeah, sort of. So he asked, "Is there a lake somewhere around here?" I bit back my "Um, yes, LAKE Louise? Did you see the signs on your way to the LAKE louise parking area?" The Boy said "Yes" and pointed through the trees. "It's about 200 yards that way."
Our visitor said "Oh thanks. I thought it must be but the last people I asked said it was a long ways away." He started to turn away and then turned back to tell us his tale. Again I bit back my sarcasm as he told us "I'm from Toronto. I was supposed to come out here next month with my girlfriend but we had a pretty serious fight so I hopped in my car (indicating the rental) and drove out here. That was a really long drive."
I couldn't help myself. "You drove across the country just to see Lake Louise?" It didn't seem to faze him and he continued "Well, this was really the only thing I really wanted to see."
He gave us a couple more minutes of his sob story and then wandered off to see the Lake.
After he left we started laughing. The Boy indicated his car and said "Well, ya know, those Chev Cobalts have excellent gas mileage." We kept laughing. I said "But when did Budget Rent-A-Car in Toronto start handing out Alberta license plates?" More laughter.
The whole way back to Calgary we kept randomly saying "I had a really big fight with my girlfriend so I hopped in my car and drove out here." and then dissolving into laughter. I think the next time I'm a tourist (in my own backyard or elsewhere) I'll find random people and over-share some really personal sob-story with them. Should be fun!