So it should come as no real surprise that when I decided that I wanted to make some "art" (let's be honest here: glorified wall decoration is probably more accurate) for my bedroom that I ended up with aqua-ish and brown.

I picked up some cheap canvases from Michaels and some acrylics. I wanted something graphic and not really representative of anything (although one looks like weaving... obsession coming through). There was a fourth but I'm not happy with it and I kind of like just the three on the wall.

After I started the fourth I realized it looked kind of like stocking stitch. I may put it up eventually but for now it's in time-out.
Further evidence of my color block:

Beautiful roving purchased from Etsy seller spinswim.

I am loving this roving. The colors are very intense and I can't wait for it to be yarn. I'm spinning it fairly thin, hoping for a sock-weight-ish. It will probably become a lace wrap/scarf. I think this color will make me happy in the dead of winter. It's making me happy now, what with all the snow and cold we're having. (still. ugh)
A month or so ago I cut up a bunch of old, worn out jeans. I originally was planning to make a braided rug but didn't like how it was turning out. So, I decided to sew the strips together to make a blanket (or possibly a duvet cover. Haven't decided yet).

I'm just overlapping the edges and sewing with a zigzag stitch. I'll need to trim some of the errant threads from the cut edges but I really like how it's turning out.

I also started a shawl in some Fleece Artist Sea Wool I bought around Christmas. I was planning to make socks but decided it's so pretty and the sheen and drape are more suited for something drapey. I tend towards more utilitarian socks, it seemed a waste (gasp) of such nice yarn.

I'm using a Feathered Rib stitch from a stitch dictionary. Not much to look at now, but I think it will be nice when done.
Finally, some more pics of the leftover blanket:

I'm cheating a bit here and using some odd-ball sock yarn that isn't actually leftovers. Don't tell.

37 down... 20(or so) to go...