I've been meaning to tell you about my latest "is she crazy?" project. After seeing the most amazing patchwork skirt on Craftster this past weekend, I realized I should post this. It definitely falls into the endless project/is it worth all that work? category. I've been thinking about that a lot ever since reading about the mocking that Megan experienced. I think I often feel like I need to justify things I make. I mentally rehearse explanations or uses for things I make, whether or not anyone would ever question the validity of the project. I need to stop that. So, in that vein...
I've been admiring Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts for a while now. I realize how much work goes into one, I'm not that crazy, but I've wanted to make one for a while. So...

I played around with layouts...

I think I like this one the best. I'll surround each diamond with a round of cream or white

I'm making headway but this will definitely be a long term project. I don't have any deadline for it. It's just kind of relaxing to baste the edges of the hexagons (i'm just using 2" squares cut from scraps) and hand stitching them together when I have a bunch.
After I decided to make the diamond shapes I had a couple of flowers that were odd balls. That is, I didn't have any more fabric for them and had already sewn them together. So I decided I needed a new pin cushion and sewed the edges together

In other news: I'm trying to decide if I'm going to take part in the Ravelympics. I think, if I do, I'll enter the WIP Wrestling category. I want to try to finish a bunch of things, but most of all I think I'd like to tackle the leftover sock blanket. Anyone else joining up? If so, what category/categories are you entering?